Riding forwards on a motorcycle is the best way to go if you want to look cool and comfortable.
The reasons are many and varied, but they all come down to one thing: riding forwards makes it easier for you to see where you’re going. That’s because your shoulders are wider than your hips, so when you sit on a bike with your knees facing outwards (which is how most people ride), your head ends up tilted downwards at an unnatural angle that strains your neck muscles. Instead, if you ride forwards with both knees pointing forward like a horse rider (instead of having one knee pointed forward while the other faces outwards), then everything looks bigger because you’re looking straight ahead instead of down at the ground! Also, when we were kids our parents always told us not to look down at the floor or else we’d trip over stuff… Well guess what? When we ride backwards on motorcycles our eyes tend to get fixated on whatever’s below us instead of being focused on what’s ahead.”
There are a lot of reasons why it’s better to ride forwards on a motorcycle.
There are a lot of reasons why it’s better to ride forwards on a motorcycle.
- You can see better.
- You can see the road ahead, as well as obstacles in the road and other vehicles around you.
- It’s easier for drivers behind you to see you when they’re driving forwards, too!
It’s more comfortable.
When you’re riding a motorcycle, your body is positioned in a more natural way. As opposed to being hunched over the handlebars of a car, when you sit on a motorcycle and lean forward into the wind, it takes much less effort to keep yourself upright. This is because your body weight isn’t being supported by just one point–you’re using all four corners of your feet and legs as anchors for balance instead of just two points (your hands).
The forward position also means that there’s less strain on your lower back since it doesn’t have as much weight pressing against it as when driving cars or trucks where drivers are seated vertically rather than horizontally like they would be while riding motorcycles. Additionally, leaning forward reduces wind resistance which results in less drag while traveling down highways at high speeds over long distances so riders can travel farther before needing refuelling stops!
You can see better.
- You can see better.
- You are more aware of what is happening around you.
- You can see the road ahead, and you have a better view of traffic behind you.
You look more badass.
It’s not just about the adrenaline rush you get from riding a motorcycle. It’s also about looking cool and badass, like a racing driver or stunt rider.
Yes, there are plenty of people out there who can’t wait to tell us that they don’t care what others think of them–but I’m willing to bet that most people do care at least a little bit about what other people think of their appearance. And if you’ve ever seen an old-school racing driver on TV before (or even just in person), then you know that these guys look like they’re having fun while driving crazy fast! They’re cool as heck, which means they must be doing something right–and part of what makes them look so good is riding motorcycles!
There are many reasons why riding motorcycles looks awesome:
It’s safer.
Forward riding is safer. When you’re sitting upright, you can see the road ahead of you and around your bike. You can also see other vehicles in front of or behind you–and if they’re coming too close for comfort, it’s easier to adjust your speed or position by leaning into them instead of turning around. And since forward riders don’t have to turn their heads as much when looking for obstacles in the road (like large potholes), they have fewer accidents than those who ride with their heads turned away from traffic at all times.
Riding forwards is better for you and makes you look better!
Riding forwards is better for you and makes you look better!
- Riding forwards is more comfortable. When riding a motorcycle, the rider sits in a tucked position with legs behind and back slightly arched over the bike. This puts pressure on your lower back, which can lead to pain in some cases if maintained for a long period of time. When riding backwards however, you are sitting upright with your legs stretched out in front of you; this relieves any pressure from being placed on your spine or lower back area respectively. Therefore riding backwards will allow for an overall more comfortable trip than doing so forwardly would allow!
- It’s safer too! Riding backwards provides better visibility as it gives riders greater sight range than their counterparts who choose not do so (see image above). Not only does this make it easier for them see what’s coming up ahead but also allows them more time before having to brake because they’ve already seen everything coming down behind them beforehand.”
Riding forwards is better for you and makes you look better!